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We're committed to helping educators succeed - both in and out of the classroom. Be sure you're making the most of everything Horace Mann has to offer, from insurance to financial wellness resources designed just for you.
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Founded at Stanford's, Wayfinder equips students with the future-ready skills they need to thrive in an evolving world. The curriculum empowers students to cultivate agency, purpose, and meaning, forging deep connections with themselves, their communities, and the world. Proven to boost engagement and achievement, Wayfinder's curriculum is complemented by robust assessment tools that provide real-time insights into student growth, enabling targeted support. Trusted by schools globally, Wayfinder is the key to unlocking lifelong success in students. For more information, visit our website.
Fourteen exemplary Middle Grades Schools in Pennsylvania have been recognized as PA Don Eichhorn Schools: “Schools to Watch” (PA STW) as part of a recognition program developed by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. In partnership with the Pennsylvania Association for Middle Level Education (PAMLE), Kutztown University, and the Horace Mann Service Corporation, PA STW has been recognizing schools since 2006-07. The Pennsylvania “Schools to Watch” leadership team has announced that these schools have met the strict STW criteria and have been recognized. Congratulations!
Horace Mann is grateful for their clients, colleagues, family and friends and wishes you a joyous holiday season! Make sure your “sleigh” has coverage that meets your needs, just in case something unexpected happens on the road. Horace Mann is a long-time corporate supporter, offering unique auto insurance coverages and discounts for educators. For a no-obligation auto insurance quote, call 833-422-2617 or click here for more information!
Eleven exemplary Middle Grades Schools in Pennsylvania have been recognized as PA Don Eichhorn Schools: “Schools to Watch” (PA STW) as part of a recognition program developed by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. In partnership with the Pennsylvania Association for Middle Level Education (PAMLE), Kutztown University, and the Horace Mann Service Corporation, PA STW has been recognizing schools since 2006-07. Read more here.
Frequent PAMLE-presenters Ken Piascik and Joe Pizzo were recently featured by ArtsEdNJ as part of National Arts in Education Week. read all about it at Congrats to Ken and Joe!
Future-Focused Learning Summit 2024 South Fayette Township School District is excited to announce the first annual Future-Focused Learning Summit on Monday, October 14, 2024 from 8AM to 3PM. (see full schedule below) The intent is to make the Learning Summit an annual event for the region, including more than 100 school districts. This first event would focus on Transforming Learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The summit will include pathways for K-12 teachers, administrators and higher education. There will be opportunities for those who are new to AI and for those who are interested in expanding what they already know. This will be an opportunity to collaborate and build the future together. Interested in attending for $100? Please click this link to register. Click on the purple RESERVE TICKETS Button Choose the $100 Ticket for most attendees or $50 ticket for pre-service teachers. (Student ID will be required when signing in that morning) You will be prompted to Sign Up or Login to Sched. If you have an account with Sched - login If you don’t have an account, Sign up. Then you will be able to pay for your ticket. This fee includes full access to the conference and lunch. Interested in presenting and attending for FREE, please click this link to submit your presentation idea. We are excited to announce two prominent Keynote Speakers for the event: Joseph T. Yun, Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Architect and Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pitt IT and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering Aaron Sams, Ph.D. Dr. Sams holds a Ph.D. in STEM Education from Texas Tech University and is an Assistant Professor of Education at St. Vincent College. He is currently working on a book focused on AI Ethics. Schedule: Registration: 7-8am (light refreshments and coffee and vendor displays) Morning Keynote: 8:00 - 8:30 Break-out Sessions: (45 minutes each - 15 breakouts per timeframe) 8:45-9:30 9:45-10:30 10:45-11:30 Lunch / Afternoon Keynote / Vendor Exploration: 11:30-1:00 Continued Break-out Sessions: 1:15 - 2:00 2:15 - 3:00
Future-Focused Learning Summit 2024
South Fayette Township School District is excited to announce the first annual Future-Focused Learning Summit on Monday, October 14, 2024 from 8AM to 3PM. (see full schedule below) The intent is to make the Learning Summit an annual event for the region, including more than 100 school districts. This first event would focus on Transforming Learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The summit will include pathways for K-12 teachers, administrators and higher education. There will be opportunities for those who are new to AI and for those who are interested in expanding what they already know. This will be an opportunity to collaborate and build the future together.
Choose the $100 Ticket for most attendees or $50 ticket for pre-service teachers. (Student ID will be required when signing in that morning)
You will be prompted to Sign Up or Login to Sched.
If you have an account with Sched - login
If you don’t have an account, Sign up.
Then you will be able to pay for your ticket.
This fee includes full access to the conference and lunch.
Interested in presenting and attending for FREE, please click this link to submit your presentation idea.
We are excited to announce two prominent Keynote Speakers for the event:
Joseph T. Yun, Ph.D.
Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Architect and Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pitt IT and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering
Aaron Sams, Ph.D.
Dr. Sams holds a Ph.D. in STEM Education from Texas Tech University and is an Assistant Professor of Education at St. Vincent College. He is currently working on a book focused on AI Ethics.
Registration: 7-8am (light refreshments and coffee and vendor displays)
Morning Keynote: 8:00 - 8:30
Break-out Sessions: (45 minutes each - 15 breakouts per timeframe)
Lunch / Afternoon Keynote / Vendor Exploration: 11:30-1:00
Continued Break-out Sessions:
1:15 - 2:00
2:15 - 3:00
School’s out! You deserve a summer of self-care.
After surviving a long school year, reward yourself by doing something that’s good for you and your financial well-being – such as making sure your insurance and retirement plans on still on track.
Long-time corporate supporter, Horace Mann, helps provide solutions to address the challenges you face every day – in and out of the classroom. Horace Mann offers auto, home and life insurance as well as retirement solutions. Horace Mann also offers programs to help you find more money in your budget and ongoing support to help grow and protect your assets with confidence.
So, take some time this summer to take care of you!
Click here to learn more or to locate your local Horace Mann agent.
Horace Mann Service Corporation and certain of its affiliates (Horace Mann) enter into agreements with educational associations where Horace Mann pays the association to provide services aimed at familiarizing association members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services. For more information, email your inquiry to
EMM-00515-1 (6-24)
Schedule HERE to get GMM Free for a Year!
Get More Math is currently offering a FREE pilot that provides unlimited access through July 31, 2025. Completion of included pilot training series is required.
*pilot offer is only available to new campuses*
For more information, email or schedule a quick meeting HERE.
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