The Pennsylvania Association for Middle Level Education has identified very worthwhile and important goals through the strategic planning process. Each fall, at the Executive Board retreat, the planning process is initiated to help focus the boards efforts as well as to introduce new members to PAMLE goals, processes and procedures of the board operation. This allows for time to reflect on the needs of each committee and give time for the various committees to work together. This year, the Board is committed to three very important strategic goals:
- Goal 1: Developmentally Appropriate Practices – identify, disseminate and promote developmentally appropriate practices.
- Goal 2: Increase PAMLE Membership - create and implement a sound plan for increased membership
- Goal 3: Maintain Sound Financial Planning - continue to utilize all resources available to promote the PAMLE mission
In addition to the strategic goals, PAMLE will...
- Continue to lead other side-wide educational organizations in the creation and operation of the PA Learning First Alliance.
- Continue to network with policymakers and state and federal legislators to keep middle level in the forefront.
- Explore the implementation of on-line professional development opportunities.
- Continue to be an Act 48 Provider.
- Forge a partnership with the other agencies and look for ways to capitalize on the resources available through collaboration.Continue to the voice of middle level education within the state.