Long-time corporate supporter Horace Mann recently collaborated with My Education Discount – a comprehensive directory of discounts for educators and school support staff.
Horace Mann also offers special rates for educators and staff on auto, home and life insurance. With Horace Mann, educators get unique features and benefits at no extra cost, such as:
waived deductibles on certain claims that happen at or near school,
coverage if personal items used for work are damaged or stolen while in your car,
and much more!
When you check out Horace Mann’s page on My Education Discount, don’t forget to contact your local Horace Mann representative or visit horacemann.com for a no-obligation quote!
Horace Mann Insurance Company and its affiliates underwrite Horace Mann auto and home insurance. Horace Mann Life Insurance Company underwrites Horace Mann life insurance products. The benefits and discounts listed are only general descriptions of coverage and do not constitute a statement of contract. Additional terms and conditions, as described in the policy, must be met for the coverage to be provided. Not all discounts and benefits available in all states.
EMM-00547 (Jan. 24)