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2025 PAMLE State Conference

The PAMLE Board was so thankful to have you in attendance at our annual conference.  We all hope you had an amazing time
and are starting today with a plan to implement something new you learned at the Conference.  

Just a reminder to complete all your Conference Evaluations!

You have until FRIDAY, MARCH 14 to complete your ACT 48 Session Evaluations.  Please complete a separate form for each session as these forms dictate how many hours you are eligible to receive.  

Additionally, we would LOVE some feedback about the Conference in general.  Please complete the General Conference Survey.  The PAMLE Board seriously considers your feedback.  Please let us know what you would like to see at future conferences, as well as the things you enjoyed. 

Finally, if you need anything, please email us.  We are all here to help.  Contact us for SUPPORT or MEMBERSHIP.  And until we meet again, spend some time building and strengthening those bridged you built this year.

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